Uko - React Admin Dashboard Template
Uko is a fully professional minimal design admin dashboard template made with React. The template comes with tons of pages and components. We've included all of the necessary features, components, pages, and ready apps to get you started with a Web application. We've carefully designed and coded each component and page so that you can create a web application in the shortest amount of time.
Make sure that you have the last stable NodeJS (opens in a new tab) and npm
- Do not delete the
package-lock.json / yarn.lock file
Navigate to the project root folder using terminal and install the dependencies. Install with npm
Install with yarn
After the installation is complete, you can launch your app by running.
This starts a local webserver at http://localhost:3000
and auto detect file changes:
_10Compiled successfully!_10_10You can now view uko-react in the browser._10_10Local: http://localhost:3000_10_10Note that the development build is not optimized._10To create a production build, use npm run build.